Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Mental Health and Disorders in Children

Mental Health and Children 

Children's Mental health is without a doubt the most important aspect of any child's social and cognitive development. 

Children Children need to have a good mental health status if they are going to live up to their full potential and truly live a life that is filled with positive experiences and the willingness to do what is best for themselves and the people around them. 

 Factors Impacting Child's Mental Health 

There are a myriad of factors that can impact a child's mental health status, both positively and negatively. Providing children with an environment that demonstrates love, compassion, trust, and understanding will greatly impact a child so that they can build on these stepping stones to have a productive lifestyle. Many children do not receive that type of lifestyle though. Some children have to deal with a childhood that is filled with anger, resentment, hatred, distrust, and constant negativity. They have a difficult time coping with their emotions. These children will usually make excellent candidates for mental health programs. It is a difficult process for any person, let alone a child, to overcome such adversity but being proactive and doing all that you can for the child will at least help their mental health in some positive fashion. 

Some children may also be born with mental health issues. These issues are a product of nature rather than nurture so the child may have a more difficult time dealing with his or her emotional state. Many children just naturally feel depressed or have anxiety issues. When these issues are not dealt with in the proper fashion, the children tend to have lower self-esteem and they struggle in the educational environment.

Children with mental health issues will have a difficult time adjusting to different situations. Studies have shown that these children, if left untreated by a mental health professional, will likely to grow up and repeat these same behaviours with their children. These children tend to have a lower self-worth, negative feelings, perform poorly in school, and later become involved in unhealthy lifestyle decisions. However, when these children are properly treated they can learn how to live a more promising life. They can overcome many of the issues that affect them without their consent. These children can live happy and productive lives that are filled with love, harmony, and a great mental health status.­

During a child's developmental years, they are constantly growing and changing. It is imperative to note that one must keep this in mind when diagnosing and treating emotional and behavioural disorders in children.

Mental Dirsorder in Children

If a problem is not temporary or short-lived, then should parents seek out a trained and qualified professional to help their children. Health professionals once thought that brain disorders such as bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, or even depression occurred after childhood but now, it is widely held that these brain disorders can begin in early childhood. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), emotional and behavioural disorders affect 10-15 percent of children globally. One of particular childhood-onset mental disorder that is widely studied, treated, and diagnosed is ADHD, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and the NIMH cites that 3-5 percent of children globally suffer from this disorder.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

This disorder is one of the most common mental disorders among children, and two to three more boys than girls are affected. Many children are unable to sit still, finish tasks, plan ahead, or even be aware what is going on around them. Some days, children with ADHD seem fine and the next could be a whirlwind of frenzied and disorganized activity. ADHD can continue on into adolescence and even adulthood, however, within the past decade scientists have learned more about it and how to treat it. From medications, to therapy, and varying educational options, children with ADHD can learn to function in new ways.


 Children with autism appear to be remote, indifferent, isolated in their own world, and are unable to form emotional connections with other people. Autism is a found in every region of the country, it is more common in boys than girls, and affects about 1 or 2 people in every thousand. This brain disorder can manifest itself in mental retardation, language delays, and other children are very high-functioning with intelligence and speech intact because their brains do not function in the same way other children's do.  Consistency is the key when dealing with an autistic child.

Bi-polar Disorder

 Bi-polar disorder generally begins during early childhood and continues into adulthood. It is characterized by intense mood swings. For example, a child may have excessive "high" or euphoric feelings, then suddenly, sadness depression. This is thought to be a genetic illness and diagnosis for children under 12 is generally not common and is often misdiagnosed as ADHD.


Anxiety disorders often cause children to feel distressed, uneasy, even frightened for no apparent reason. Some common anxiety disorders are panic disorders characterized by episodes of intense fear that occur without warning or provocation. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which are compulsive, repeated behaviours or thoughts that seem like they are impossible to stop.­

Management of Mental Health and Disorder in Children

 Mental health is important to overall health. Mental disorders are chronic health conditions that can continue through the lifespan. Without early diagnosis and treatment, children with mental disorders can have problems at home, in school, and in forming friendships. This can also interfere with their healthy development, and these problems can continue into adulthood.

 Childhood mental disorders can be treated and managed. There are many evidence-based treatment options, so parents and doctors should work closely with everyone involved in the child's treatment — teachers, coaches, therapists, and other family members. Taking advantage of all the resources available will help parents, health professionals and educators guide the child towards success. Early diagnosis and appropriate services for children and their families can make a difference in the lives of children with mental disorders.


 Mental health — an essential part of children's overall health — has a complex interactive relationship with their physical health and their ability to succeed in school, at work and in society. Both physical and mental health affect how we think, feel and act on the inside and outside.  

 All children and youth have the right to happy and healthy lives and deserve access to effective care to prevent or treat any mental health problems that they may develop.

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